An issue is an idea that can be debated. In college writing assignments, expect to be asked to analyze an issue and then offer your own stance on the matter (based on logical reasoning and your careful observations and reflections and/or appropriate researched sources).
When you write an article about an issue, try not to take sides and avoid attacking specific people. Instead, focus on the problem and the various reasons why it is problematic. For example, if you’re writing about the Covid-19 pandemic, your article should explain why it is a problem but should also note why a vaccination program could help.
As you research your topic, strive to offer unique insights that haven’t been extensively covered before. This will make your article stand out and compel your readers to keep reading. You can do this by providing fresh data, a new angle or your own personal experiences.
If you’re writing an opinion piece, think of the issues that push your reader’s buttons. Then create a file folder with articles, facts, statistics, names of key players and your one-sentence opinion. Once you have your ideas together, start writing your article. Make sure every sentence supports your opinion and that all of the information you provide is double-checked. You can also include infographics to make your point more clear and easy to understand.