Fashion is the way people present themselves and a reflection of the society they live in. It is more of a self expression than anything else and people want to be noticed.
It’s hard to pinpoint how the world of fashion started, but it is easy to see the impact it has had on our lives in one way or another. From robes worn by judges to uniforms worn in the military to wedding dresses, fashion has always been a form of identification and tradition.
The first step in understanding the importance of fashion is to understand what it means to wear. It doesn’t just mean a style of dress but it also includes shoes, accessories and hair.
In the past, clothes were seen as a means to display wealth and position but today they are more of a way of expressing your uniqueness. Great clothes can bring out the best in you and make you feel confident and proud of yourself.
Clothing can be used for social justice and as a political weapon. For example, during the nineteenth century England and twentieth century communist revolutions uniforms were used to abolish class and race distinctions.
When looking for styles that are trendy, look at what other people are wearing and try to find something that is similar to what they are doing. This will help you figure out what kind of styles you like and will allow you to create your own style.