Spirituality is a belief in something beyond yourself that may involve religious traditions or a holistic view of human life. It also can involve a sense of connection to others and the universe. It can be related to positive emotions that include awe, gratitude, compassion and love.
How is spirituality different from religion? People who are spiritual often pick out truths from many different religions and combine them to form their own beliefs. They also tend to believe that everyone has an inner power or soul. People who are religious, on the other hand, often believe that their religion has the only truth.
What are some ways to be more spiritual?
You can practice spirituality by doing things like practicing mindfulness, meditation or yoga. You can also do activities that bring meaning and value to your life, such as volunteering or pursuing hobbies.
Another way to be more spiritual is to tune into your intuition and listen to it. Spiritual coach Joana Calado says that listening to your intuition can help you become more spiritual because it’s a way to connect with your higher self.
Spirituality can lead to positive outcomes, but it can also have some pitfalls. For example, people who are spiritual sometimes use their beliefs as a reason to ignore problems or emotions or avoid addressing them. They may be tempted to follow their feelings instead of seeking professional help or following their doctor’s medical recommendations.