Spirituality is a person’s sense of meaning in life and their belief that they have a purpose to serve. People may find comfort in their spirituality when they feel stressed or anxious, or when they are going through a period of change in their lives. They may seek out meditation, prayer, a heart-focused awareness practice or other ways to connect with themselves and their higher power.
A common theme with spirituality is a belief that one is more than just a physical body—that there is a soul within them that has unlimited potential. Many religious people develop their spiritual beliefs based on this concept of a soul and a higher power, while others may explore their own connection to this concept without necessarily following the rules of a particular religion.
In addition, spirituality often includes a belief that one’s actions have an impact on the world around them, which can be referred to as “karma.” For example, when someone focuses their energy on positive things, they may experience happiness in their future. Alternatively, when they live with negative intentions, they may experience suffering in their future.
Reflect on the definitions of spirituality that you read in table 1.1 and compare them to the themes you identified in your assessment. How do these definitions differ, and what implications might they have for assessing and caring for clients? Also, consider the metaphors of wind, mountain range/journey and soccer ball to expand your understanding of spirituality.